Hello Everyone and happy Monday. Hope everyone had a great weekeend. Mine was ok had to work but either then that it was pretty awsome.!
So, I am going threw my head to see what i need to get done early even though i am not getting merried till next year i am trying to see things that i want for my wedding. This week were gonna go threw wedding songs and pick some out to see what songs we want to play. So i am looking forward to that. :)
Well, I am looking forward to tomorrow it's my day off! Even though i have a meeting tomorrow at 11am at work it's gonna be a fun day i figure. lol.
I Am looking forward to my show switched at birth ill miss the 8pm but i am saved snce it's back on at 10pm when i will get home about 9:45pm. So i will be safe on that. and tomorrow is my pretty little liar show. Yippies. Looking forward to that show too.
So, I am looking at this new link up called "What I learned this weekend" So i am going to link up and with them. So this is what i learned this weekend.

I learned that working for home health has alot if advantages and i am loving it.
I learned that it takes a long time to plan a wedding. I am just starting with little things.
I learned that fish is better fryed better then being in the oven. :)
I learned to finally cook on a old skillet at one of my clinets houses.
I learned that it is suppose to get up in the 55 degree's this weekend. :)
I learned that vernors is the best gingeral. Lol.
I learned that there are too many dresses/styles to choose from.
Well that is what i learned last week. So what did you learn ?
I haven't done this for awhile so here are a few qoutes for the start of the week. So enjoy. ! :)

Well, I hope you all have a great evening. Night everyone.
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