
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Social::30 day challenge

       Hello everyone and hope you all had a great weekend. Well, i had a great day it all went pretty well. We went to church,then headed up to Wooster for a bridal show. It was good. had some of the same people but then again they had a few different vendors there too. so it was good. Had a good day. So that's what count's i guess.

      So there's going to be suppose to be freezing rain tonight, well i haven't seen any yet so i guess that's a good thing. ? oh and also heard we were suppose to get up to an inch of snow. well i am grateful that it is not starting here yet. Ya. lol.

     Well, I am linking up with Ashley Lately for Sunday Social
                                            Sunday Social 1/27/2013

Sunday Social

               1.)   What is your ideal way to relax?
                           My ideal is a way to just watch movies all day and sit and get your mind off of things.
               2.)    Where is your favorite place to be?
                            My favorite place is my bedroom.It's the one place were i can be. 
               3.)    Who do you consider to be your  biggest role model? 
                           My mother is my role model.
               4.)   What does your life look like in 3 years?
                             Well i am hopefully happy married and having a great life with my future husband. 
               5.)    If you could go back and change one decision what would it be?
                              Probably with one of my friends that isn't my friend anymore.We probably should of worked things out but we never did so we grew apart.  
               6.)    What is your biggest accomplishment so far this year?
                           Finding a job close to home and doing something that i never thought that i would like to home health .Also getting engaged to my boyfriend. :) 

           Now, it's time for the 30 day challenge day 4 

    List 5 things you would say to your 16 year old self if you could. 
               1.) If people make fun of you kill them with kindness not hatred. 
               2.)Don't be shy just have some fun.
               3.)You are pretty inside and out.
               4.)Reach for your dream.
               5.)You are smart,and can do anything you out your heart too.

   Well, i hope you all had a great day. Hope you also have a great week ahead. :) 

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