
Friday, April 5, 2013

Five Question Friday::Friday Fill In Four:: Fill in the Blanks Friday :) It's Friday!

          Hello everyone! ya my computer is back and running well now. I had to upgrade it. It was really slow and my last post i had to do was on my phone. I also went over to to write a few posts. But i can delete that one now. So i am pretty happy. :)
         Anniversary went splendid even though we both had to work. So we are going out Tuesday with a few friends and having some fun. That's the day that we both can do something. I get off at one. I have no days off this week but it will be ok. Two days i get off at 1 pm. So i am loving that. :) But i ended up with 44 hours this week. Oh boy. We are so low on aides. We only have 8 aides for home health so it's been pretty hard on us. But we are managing on doing it. I am hoping they will hire some more aides soon though.

       Well I am linking up with Five Friday Questions over at my little life. So here are today's Five Friday Questions. :
  1. Would you go to your high school reunion? 
          Yes. I didn't go to my 5 year class reunion though but i will go to my 10 year high school reunion i think are 10 year should be in 2016. 
2. What's something that you've recently splurged on; either for yourself or someone else?
Well the only thing latley is splurging on my wedding dress/dress. There almost done payed off then i can start splurging on other things for the wedding. :)
3. How do you handle your child's fever?
Don't have children yet.
4. What's the nicest thing to happen to you lately?
Just having a 1 year anniversary with my fiancee and many more to come.:)
5. What is your current favorite song?
Oh man this is a hard one. But it would have to be "A Thousand Years" by Catherine Perry

Next link up is Friday Fill in Four:
1. I don’t remember the last time I:    I went to a graduation party. It was probably a couple years ago and i have one in May to go to this year. So we will see how this goes. 
2. Sometimes we want to go out  but usually stay home and make are dinner. 
3. When I think of my childhood, I think of the fun times that i had. 
4.I am not controlling as some people say i am but I do want what i want. But that's not controlling at all. It's knowing what i want and i want to be happy with my life and the person that i will spend it with. :) 

Next link up is Friday fill in the blanks ::

1. I use: My phone about everyday. I can't go without. 
2.Never been kissed  is one of my favorite movies.
3.It's been a year ago yesterday that I meet the man i am going to spend the rest of my life with.
4. Dinner time is about here! :)
5.I said no and then he said yes.
6.Pickles is what i am craving right now!
7.And as for this weekend,tonight i am looking forward to getting underneath the covers and watching my tv shows tonight. tomorrow my plans include working, and cleaning house, and Sunday I want to spend time with my boyfriend and relax after work is over. 


  1. Enjoy your anniversary and don't work too hard!

    1. Thanks.I am looking forward to the dinner date. Ill try not to work to hard.I love my job but sometimes it can be a little much. But i guess worth it at the end.

      Thanks for stopping by and i hope you have a great day. :)

  2. Ha! I love your pickles answer! I love pickles so much I once had a horse named pickles (just her barn name her real name was pluadet sassy lady)

    1. lol. Ya i love pickles. I haven't had one for a long time. I think that i may get some now next time i go grocery shopping. lol.
      That's a cute name for a horse. I love horses. Course i love all animals. :)
      Thanks for stopping by. :) and have a great day.

  3. Replies
    1. that's what i think. I think they are just jealous tho that i have a great life going for me.

      Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day. :)

  4. I think it's perfectly acceptable to be it implies to yourself. it's when you try to do it to others that it tends to be a problem. So I agree with Hilary, it means you are "strong"; but I would also add wise to that.
    totally splurged on my wedding dress too. I couldn't believe that I had actually found the ONE I first fall in love with in the pages of a bridal magazine. No way I though my small town could get it. But I got it! (might be back to that control thing. LOL)

    1. Ya i think it's just people being jealous of how my life is going. i am finally happy and people are not excepting it i guess. Oh well i am just glad i have my friends that are behind me 100% and i love them for it.

      I only tried on 2 dresses and fell in love with the second dress. It's so beautiful. I actually have a second dress for the reception like my girls bridesmaides dresses but it's white. Love them both. :) Glad you found your dress that you wanted for you day. I just know what i want and if they can't except it well that's to bad.

      Thanks for stopping by and i hope you have a great day, :)

  5. Replies
    1. thank you. It was wonderful. Just looking forward to are dinner date on Tuesday for are anniversary date.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great day, :)
